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Can COVID-19 be a path over or around the obstacles we’ve put in our own paths so we can reach our higher potential?

How to Stay SANE and Successful in the COVID World: Thrive, Flourish, and Prosper Even When All the Rules have Changed.

As COVID-19 Turns the World Upside Down—A Quick and Easy Guide to Not Only Staying Sane, but Thriving in a Crazy Time

When the pandemic took a wrecking ball to everything we think of as normal, some people refused to despair. What did they know that the rest of us didn’t?

COVID-19 opened a unique moment where we can find time to recalibrate, to face our fears and demons, and to change our relationship to ourselves and our careers.

The rigid old rules are gone, and we need to find ways to adapt to a world that values speed more than perfection. We get to fill that void through more self-compassion and reinventing our paths to success—and by learning to move fast even if that doesn’t feel comfortable, says Kathryn Mayer, author of the new ebook, How to Stay SANE and Successful in the COVID World: Thrive, Flourish, and Prosper Even When All the Rules have Changed.

Responding to the virus, many organizations found surprising resilience and adapted, quickly creating new processes and rituals. But for individuals, making these huge pivots can still be a struggle.

An executive coach, Kathryn C. Mayer watched the cascading crises reach critical mass, and she asked, “How can I be of service to the people I’m coaching? What do people need now?” That two-part question led her to get past her own sunk feelings and create a plan that helps others move through this challenging time and come out stronger on the other end: the four-part SANE Formula: Small Steps; Accelerate Experimentation; Nurture; Exercise Your Network.

She was thrilled when her first post-COVID group began to try out the process by actively networking and moving faster and not overthinking things—taking small but firm steps to get past those fears and demons.

Members of the group...

  • Found more self-compassion, deeper gratitude, and stronger community.

  • Honed skills, such as networking, taking a much bolder approach and asking for what they want.

  • Realized that they could be OK with just taking tiny steps...

Seeing these powerful results, Mayer wrote and published her ebook to share these insights with a wider audience than she could reach in small-group training.